On October 16-19, the AmCham Estonia team attended the Annual Best Practices’ Conference, this time held in Belgrade, Serbia.
This annual conference is a great networking platform, where all AmChams across Europe share their best practices, talk about the biggest success stories, give as well as listen to the advice of colleagues from different countries. It provides great opportunity to adapt the best ideas and implement them in one’s own country and network.
As an Association, ACE is one of the most powerful and influential non-political institutions in Europe. In 2018, it represented more than 12000 member companies that altogether generated over 35000 million EUR revenue. ACE also employed over 400 professionals in 2018.
This year, the conference program was rather diverse and included several different activities, meetings, and topics to be handled. On the first day, we got to attend the welcoming reception hosted by DCM Gabriel Escobar at the official residence. The next day included several elevator pitch presentations by 4 different AmChams, as well as an inspirational speech by Dr. Nikolas Dimitriadis, the Development Director at the University of Sheffield International Faculty and the CEO of TrismaNeuro. The speech was followed by breakout sessions on events & sponsorships, policy, and advocacy, communication, internal management as well as membership.
On the last day of the conference, the directors had a strategical meeting that was followed by the Creative Network Presentations by AmCham Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Turkey, and British American Business. We would like to once again congratulate AmCham Belgium on winning the award! Your initiative is inspiring and we will definitely try to implement it in our network!
A huge thank you to AmCham Serbia and AmCham Slovenia for putting together such an amazing program! A big thank you to the AmChams in Europe Association management team for organizing such an important networking meeting on an annual basis!
And of course, the biggest thank you to our own members, as you make it possible for us to be part of ACE and by that have an even stronger footprint on the European economic environment!