On August 25, we held an online event in cooperation with the HBR Press, and Jennifer Petriglieri, an award-winning researcher and Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD, on the topic of How Dual-Career Couples Can Find Fulfilment in Love and Work
Most advice for two-career couples frames solutions in a language of sacrifice and trade-offs. In this workshop, INSEAD professor Jennifer Petriglieri showed how couples can tackle challenges throughout their lives—together.
She also gave tools to progress through three key phases:
How can we make this work? This initial phase focuses on the logistics of combining two busy lives and often demands of children.
What do we really want? In this phase, couples learn to navigate midlife crises in ways that allow each partner to feel happy
and fulfilled.
Who are we now? With careers winding down and kids grown up, this last phase deals with new freedoms—and uncertainties.
A huge thank you to all the participants who were able to join the discussion! We truly hope that you enjoyed this event!