As we are getting ready for the AmCham Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 in May (Date TBC) and the Board of Directors elections, we are now looking to find highly qualified candidates for the term 2022-2024.
The 2-year term of the 4 current board member (out of 9) is coming to its end this spring. In accordance with our by-laws, three of them (Kai Tammist, Niels Hollender and Hannes Reinula) cannot stand for re-election as they have served 2 consecutive terms of 2 years and one (Megan Riley) is eligible to stand for re-election.
The Board’s general responsibilities include approving the organization’s strategy and financial management and overseeing the work of the executive team (the Chamber CEO and the Events & Marketing Coordinator). Board Directors meet on a monthly basis for a 2 hour meeting (except for the summer months).
An eligible candidate must be employed by an Amcham member company and add to the diversity and breadth of knowledge and experience of the entity. According to our by-laws, the majority of board members elected should preferably represent either U.S.-controlled companies or be American citizens.
NB!! We encourage all members to nominate the most suitable candidates (or you can indicate your interest directly to Daria) and send the following files:
- Your name, position, company, short bio (1 paragraph)
- Your photo
- Manifesto (1 paragraph) on why you would be interested to serve on the AmCham board.
We will be collecting all nominations until April 1 COB. To indicate your interest or if you have any questions, please contact Daria Sivovol at or +372-53415576.
>> List of current board directors
If you would like to discuss running for the board director position with any of the current board members, get the insights on what the position entails and how much time contribution is needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office or any of the board members to schedule a quick call. We are happy to tell you more!