Today, some of the AmCham IPR Committee members and other invited
members got to meet with the Patent Attorney from the Office of Policy
and International Affairs of the United States Patent and Trademark
Office, Paolo M. Trevisan! Paolo arrived to Estonia to speak at the
event organized in cooperation with the Estonian Patent Office and
kindly agreed to meet our IPR Committee members as well as other
selected AmCham members who deal with patents, trademark issues and
intellectual property. Paolo gave us an overview about Estonia`s recent
membership in the global Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) as well as the
latest developments in United States patenting system and issues to
consider when investing/expanding operations in the Unites States. Also
he talked about major benefits of PPH and of course answered the
questions that the round table discussion participants had.
We would
like to thank the U.S. Embassy for giving us the opportunity to meet Mr.
Trevisan and Microsoft for hosting this morning round table meeting!