On November 29, a delegation consisting of AmCham’s Healthcare Committee members, went to the Estonian Health Insurance Fund to meet with the new Chairman of the Board, Rain Laane as well as Pille Banhard, one of the HIF Board Members.
Our delegation consisted of:
- Elo Tamm, COBALT, committee chair
- Tanel Siimon, Johnson & Johnson
- Anneli Simm, Teligent
- Inga Kõrgemaa, Semetron
- Indrek Saar, GSK
- Daria Sivovol, AmCham Estonia
- Maria Romanjuta-Kuuspu, AmCham Estonia
The idea of the meeting was to introduce the committee and present the White Paper as well as agree on the following action steps and communication procedures.
We were thrilled to learn that the Estonian Health Insurance Fund is willing to actively discuss and find solutions, cooperate with our committee and make actual steps in order to improve the Public-Private relations!
We were very happy to feel the innovative approach and we truly look forward to our fruitful cooperation!