Transatlantic Business Award Program Continues to Strengthen Shared Transatlantic Prosperity

On November 6 (2019), The American Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of the 2019 Transatlantic Business Awards.  Nortal AS was named the Transatlantic Company of the Year for being the largest Estonia-based employer in the United States; Renee Meriste was selected as Transatlantic Promoter of the Year in recognition of his achievement in creating the Estonian American Business Alliance to connect businesses in both nations as well as for his efforts in promoting the opening of Estonia’s consulate in Los Angeles, and Telia Eesti AS received the Melissa Wells Corporate Responsibility award for their anti-cyberbullying campaign “Greatest Courage”, which addresses the risks attached to expanding digitalization through outreach both in their stores and online.

Renee Meriste, Kristiina Pauskar (Nortal), Katrin Isotamm (Telia). Photo by Sergei Krasii

Each year, we are impressed by the significant impact these Estonian companies have on strengthening personal and professional ties across the Atlantic.  These play a critical role in building our mutual prosperity by spurring innovation and creating new jobs,” Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn Brian Roraff said.  “As Estonia and the United States look to deepen the financial and commercial links between our nations, these awards showcase the ways Estonian firms contribute to this important end,” Chargé Roraff added.  He was joined at the ceremony by the President of the American Chamber of Commerce Estonia, Indrek Laul, and Baltic American Freedom Foundation (BAFF) Coordinator for Estonia, Eeva Kauba.

Transatlantic Business Awards and conference highlight the importance of deepening ties between Estonia and the United States on people-to-people and business-to-business level and therefore Baltic-American Freedom Foundation has been very pleased to support this event already the third year in a row. Over the years, connections and collaboration between our countries have extended far beyond governmental and diplomatic relations and natural barriers of distance and scale have been bridged via new technology and active interconnections.  We are grateful to Amcham and US Embassy for their efforts to bring this event together and their continuing work in promoting deeper grass-roots ties between Estonians and Americans.”,  Andres Trink, the Board Member of the Baltic American Freedom Foundation said.

CDA Brian Roraff, Marko Kaseleht (Milrem Robotics), Raul Kirjanen (Graanul Invest), Kristiina Pauskar (Nortal). Photo by Sergei Krasii

Other finalists for the Transatlantic Company of the Year award included Milrem Robotics, Graanul Invest, and Qualitex.

The Melissa Wells Corporate Citizenship Award was presented by AmCham President Dr. Indrek Laul to Telia Eesti AS for their Greatest Courage anti-cyberbullying program.“This is a very important award for all of us as it showcases businesses for demonstrating ethical leadership and corporate stewardship and for making a positive difference in our society. The award takes into account company involvement in educational programs, corporate philanthropy, including service and product donations to the local community or volunteers. We were very happy to see so many great projects with 6 finalists in the competition this year. And our sincere congratulations to Telia. Well deserved!.” – commented Indrek Laul, AmCham Estonia President.

Agne Sokolov (Bolt), Elvis Jermann (Radisson Blu Sky Hotel), Grete Transtok (Coca Cola HBC), Indrek Laul, Katrin Isotamm (Telia), Hannes Reinula (Eastman Specialties), Indrek Oolup (Cleveron). Photo by Sergei Krasii

The Transatlantic Business Awards is a cooperative venture between the U.S. Embassy in Tallinn, the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation, and the American Chamber of Commerce in Estonia that seeks to foster greater innovation and strengthen transatlantic economic ties.  


This program is aimed at highlighting the importance of transatlantic trade and investment between the United States and Estonia, and recognizing the contributions and positive impact made by Estonian companies investing in the United States. The award will be presented annually in order to highlight the importance of the economic ties between the United States and Estonia and to celebrate business excellence by an Estonian company in arguably the most competitive market in the world. The award will honor significant achievement within the United States market, which might include strategic collaborations with U.S.-based organizations, implementation of innovative solutions, or significant company growth or investment activities.
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The award will recognize an individual residing in Estonia or in the United States, who has made significant contributions to promoting entrepreneurship or transatlantic collaboration. The award will honor the individual’s accomplishments in fostering increased entrepreneurial activity, including among diverse groups, and in promoting connections with the U.S. – based entrepreneurship ecosystem.
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This award recognizes companies operating in Estonia, who demonstrate ethical leadership and corporate responsibility and who make a positive difference in their communities.
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